STEP 1: Please sign up for an account at our Meetup site if you don't already have one.

STEP 2: To register that you will attend, please click the RSVP registration button at our ABC Meetup page for the event you would like to join. Please do not register to attend if you are not serious about attending.

STEP 3: Send a message including your real name and Meetup account name along with contact number to the organizer by text message to 010-8900-0579 or by KakaoTalk to ID: yologlex.(Your name and number helps us identify who you are for the sake of our other members.)

STEP 4: Show up with a positive attitude and let the organizer know who you are.

- Please RSVP and register to join anytime you think you might attend.
- RSVP cancellations can be made through our site at anytime(or cancel by contacting an organizer).
- In most cases, registrations to attend can be made until the day before the Meetup.
- Registering to attend and not showing up is NOT allowed.
- Attending without registering is NOT allowed.

ABC Meetup(Ansan Bowling & Boardgame Meetup)

Hello and welcome to the ABC Meetup.

What started as the Ansan Bowling Club is now the Ansan Bowling & Boardgame Club. The ABC Meetup is the third of three Meetup clubs in the YOLOGLEX Network and since April of 2018, has given its members an opportunity to practice and exchange languages mutually while doing activities like bowling and playing boardgames.

With over 2,500 members in Ansan and neighboring areas, the ABC Meetup is the biggest bowling and boardgame Meetup in the Gyeonggi Province.

For the past 2 years, the ABC Meetup has had over 50 social bowling and boardgaming Meetup events, most of which were held in the downtown Jungangdong area of Ansan.

Interested? Fear not, you don't need to be an expert in languages, bowling, or boardgames to join. All you need is a little courage and confidence along with a smile and you'll definitely be welcomed. Hope to see you bowling and boardgaming with us soon.

Requirements for Attending

Mar. 2019 - Boardgame Meetup #2

Aug. 2018 - Sudden Bowling Meetup

May 2018 - Bowling Meetup #1

Apr. 2018 - Bowling Meetup Pre-meeting